Microsoft Canada

Nov 23, 2012

PLOT: THE TWILIGHT SAGA comes to a merciful end with this, the conclusion to BREAKING DAWN. After being turned into a vampire while giving birth to Renesmee, Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) find themselves forced into a showdown with the Volturi when a rumour spreads that they've turned a child into a vampire- which is strictly forbidden. Meanwhile, Jacob (Taylor Lautner) sulks, gets his shirt off, and moons over the Cullen's infant daughter. Creeeeepy.

REVIEW: I've reviewed most of the other films for the site, and without exception I've hated them all, but believe it or not I actually hoped BREAKING DAWN: PART 2 would break the run of crap, as I'm a big fan of the director- Bill Condon. I was puzzled as to why he signed on to the films (well, other than the paycheck) and while PART 1 of BREAKING DAWN was probably the worst instalment of the series yet, I held out hope at least he might make the conclusion a little interesting. Yeah, not so much...

Like the last film, BREAKING DAWN: PART 2 takes forever and a day to get going. Literally an hour goes by with virtually nothing but exposition. It seems like Condon, working from a script by Melissa Rosenberg, was trying to be slavishly faithful to Stephanie Meyer's book to appease the fans, but the result is a film that moves at a snail's pace, just like the last one. In keeping with the other films, the performances by the core cast are one-note, with Kristen Stewart, despite now playing a vampire, still mooning over Edward as his virtual love slave. Outside of TWILIGHT, Stewart is fine, but whenever I see her in these she seems bored, and this is no exception. Meanwhile, Taylor Lautner is barely in this one, mostly due to his being a CGI wolf for the entire third act, although he does manage to get his shirt off once (cue screams from the teenage girls in the audience). Of the three, the only one who seems to be having a bit of fun in his final go-round in the saga is actually Pattinson, who for once does relatively little brooding, and actually cracks a smile here and there. Go figure!

Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning are around to camp it up a bit as the Volturi, but Sheen is particularly- almost hideously, over the top here, making his bit part in TRON: LEGACY seem like the model of restraint. As the Cullens spend a lot of time assembling vampires from around the world, a few new actors join the franchise, with Lee Pace bringing some much needed charisma to the saga as Revolutionary War vet- turned rock-star looking vampire. Everyone else- well, they look hot (especially Ashley Greene). That's it.

Mr. Exclusive's Rating:

Also Worth Watch


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